When Do I Need New tyres?

Tyres are an essential component of any vehicle, ensuring safety and optimal performance on the road. However, like all parts of a car, they wear down over time and need to be replaced.

Determining when to get new tyres can be a daunting task for many drivers. In this blog post, we will discuss the key factors to consider when evaluating the condition of your tyres and provide some helpful guidelines to help you determine when it’s time to invest in a new set.

Tread Depth

One of the most crucial indicators of tyre wear is the tread depth. Tread provides traction and grip on the road, especially during wet or slippery conditions. 

Over time, the tread wears down, reducing its effectiveness. To check your tyre’s tread depth, use a tread depth gauge or the penny test. Insert a penny into the tread with Lincoln’s head facing downward. 

If you can see the top of Lincoln’s head, your tread is too shallow, and it’s time to replace the tyres.

Uneven Wear

Inspecting your tyres for uneven wear is another important aspect of tyre maintenance. 

Uneven wear can indicate alignment or suspension issues, which, if left unattended, can lead to further damage. 

Regularly check each tyre for signs of excessive wear on one side or in the center. If you notice uneven wear patterns, it’s advisable to have your tyres and suspension system inspected by a professional.

Age of the tyres

Tyres age regardless of mileage. Over time, the rubber compound deteriorates, leading to decreased performance and safety risks. 

It is generally recommended to replace tyres every six to ten years, even if they appear to be in good condition. To determine the age of your tyres, look for the DOT (Department of Transportation) number on the sidewall. 

The last four digits indicate the week and year of manufacture. If your tyres are approaching the ten-year mark, it’s wise to consider getting a new set.

Cracks, Bulges, and Punctures

Inspecting your tyres for visible damage such as cracks, bulges, or punctures is essential for identifying potential hazards. 

Cracks can occur due to prolonged exposure to harsh weather conditions, while bulges may indicate internal damage. Punctures can lead to leaks and loss of tyre pressure. 

If you notice any of these issues, it’s crucial to have your tyres examined by a professional. Depending on the severity, repairs may be possible, or tyre replacement may be necessary.

Loss of Performance

As tyres age, they gradually lose their performance capabilities. This can result in reduced braking distance, poor handling, increased road noise, and decreased fuel efficiency. 

If you find that your car is not handling as well as it used to or if you notice any significant changes in performance, it may be a sign that your tyres are due for replacement.

Climate and Driving Conditions

The climate and driving conditions you typically encounter can also affect the lifespan of your tyres. 

For example, if you live in an area with extreme temperatures or frequent exposure to harsh weather conditions, such as snow or heavy rain, your tyres may wear down more quickly. 

Similarly, if you frequently drive on rough roads or engage in off-road adventures, your tyres may experience accelerated wear. It’s important to consider these factors and monitor the condition of your tyres accordingly.


Knowing when to replace your tyres is crucial for maintaining safety and optimal performance on the road. 

By regularly inspecting the tread depth, checking for uneven wear, considering the age of the tyres, looking for visible damage, and monitoring performance, you can make informed decisions about tyre replacement. 

Remember, your tyres are the only point of contact between your vehicle and the road, so investing in new