Caravan Tyres Fitted

Is It Possible to Have Caravan Tyres Fitted at Home?

Are you looking for a way to save money on caravan tyre fitting? If so, you may be wondering if it’s possible to have caravan tyres fitted at home. In this blog post, we will explore the option of fitting caravan tyres at home and discuss the pros and cons of doing so. We hope that this information will help you make an informed decision about whether or not to fit your caravan tyres at home.

Do Caravans Need Special Tyres?

Do Caravans Need Special Tyres

Caravan wheels often resemble car wheels, but they are made specifically for caravans. For a caravan with one axle, each wheel must carry at least half the weight of the caravan, and that weight can be more than one-quarter of a typical car.

Depending upon the load carried by the tyre, an optimum inflation pressure will be established. Since caravans usually operate at, or reasonably close to, their maximum weight, it makes sense to select the optimum pressure for those conditions.

You can choose an optimum inflation pressure based on your caravan’s actual laden weight if it is not considerably heavier than its maximum weight. It is highly recommended that you weigh the caravan as intended in its intended loading condition on a weigh-bridge.

An average car tyre seems to have an easier life than caravan tyres. You would think car tyres would last forever since they don’t have to accelerate or steer, and only get a fraction of the mileage.

The problem is that the moment the rubber compound from which the tyres are made begins to age, the clock starts ticking. This is due to sunlight oxidising its molecules and oxygen breaking them down. As the temperature rises, the process becomes faster.

The result is a weakening of the tyre and a loss of rubber strength and elasticity. A caravan can also be stored outside in the full sun without turning a wheel for weeks or months at a time. This can result in flat spots and uneven stress distribution within the tyre.

How Do You Change a Tyre on a Caravan?

How Do You Change A Tyre On A Caravan

It should be noted that caravans are forgiving and are built to withstand the wear and tear of the open road. Since your caravan’s tyres are the only part of it that comes into constant contact with the road, they will need replacing or repairing most often, and more importantly, they will keep you safe.

If your tyres have been on your car or Caravan for more than five years, you need to replace them. After seven years, you should not use them. Continuing to use tyres beyond their recommended life expectancy can put yourself, your caravan, and others at risk.

Considering caravans travel roughly 3,000 kilometres a year, they don’t travel a lot. but there are other factors which impact how quickly tyres deteriorate, such as sunlight exposure and the environment.

Keeping an eye on your tread depth when you travel is essential for your safety. Replace the tires if the tread depth goes over 1.6 mm. A brand new tire has an average tread depth of 8mm. Over time, your tyres will wear and tear. To stop with 3mm tyre tread, it would take at least two full car lengths. Even with just 1.6mm tread, it takes up to 3 car lengths to stop completely, extending over 18m. Your safety and the handling of your vehicle can be greatly improved by doing this.

It is important to rely on your common sense and knowledge to determine whether you need to change your tyres. Our team will check over your caravan if you notice something strange while you are driving. Avoid problems before they occur by addressing potential problems as soon as possible.

What Is the Law Regarding Caravans?

What Is The Law Regarding Caravans

The driving license for towing a caravan is not special. Driving a car in the UK requires a valid driving license as with any other country. There are strict variations on the weight that you can tow, based on the date you passed your driving test.

The law doesn’t always make it clear when a caravan can and cannot be parked on the road, but it is possible.

It is important that the vehicle does not cause an obstruction or is not parked in a dangerous manner from a legal standpoint. Your caravan will be deemed illegally parked if you do either of these things, and you will have to find a new place to house it. You should be considerate of the other residents in your street if you decide to park your caravan on the road.

A caravan can be stored in your garden or on your driveway without obtaining planning permission. If you keep it somewhere other than these places, you may need planning permission.

Farmland and large pieces of land that include protected nature areas may require different planning permissions for caravans parked there, even if you own the land.

Planning permission is required if your touring caravan is intended to be a standalone dwelling, rather than an addition or extension to your existing house.

Caravans can be stored in a garden or driveway if you have one. If you live in an urban area, it might not be allowed, so you should check with your local council before doing it. Consider not only whether it inhibits traffic on the street or obscures your neighbour’s, but also whether it disturbs your neighbour’s.

Passengers cannot ride in the caravan when it’s being towed. It is illegal and extremely reckless to do this, as it may endanger you, your passengers, and others on the road.

Stability is so important when towing a caravan. If there is an unexpected shift in weight, an accident could result. In the event of a crash, the caravan itself is unlikely to offer passengers much in the way of protection and safety since it lacks air bags and seatbelts.

Caravans can be towed by leased cars. About 86% of new cars in the UK are leased, so many of these may be used to tow caravans. Many car dealers advertise the potential of specific models to accomplish that very purpose.

Towing your caravan is very important when leasing a car, and you’ll be using it to tow your caravan, so you’ll need to know the maximum towing capacity of the model you’re considering.

Can You Fit a Tyre at Home?

Can You Fit A Tyre At Home

Yes, you can. We all feel like getting away for a few days to enjoy the sunshine and relax as the summer season approaches. When you have plans and supplies gathered for your caravan trip, what’s worse than discovering you have a flat tyre and you’re unable to go anywhere.

No matter how much they are used or how much they are driven, caravan tyres have a life expectancy. Over time, a tyre even if it isn’t driven on, will deteriorate. From the day one of a tyre’s manufacture, the composite materials used to make it age naturally. At least five years old is the recommendation for caravan tyre replacement.

The date of manufacture is stamped on every new tyre. The retailer of caravan tyres may keep them on the shelf for many years before selling them.

Having a friendly, professional and cost-effective service come to you is the best way to get your tyres fitted.

To get started, just provide us with the vehicle’s tyre information like tyre size, choose your brand, and book your fitting day.

If your caravan tyres need replacing, you don’t have to deal with the hassle of towing it to a garage. We will come to your home, place of work or wherever you have stored your caravan and replace your tyres for you, saving you both time and the hassle of towing.

Mobile caravan tyre fitting is important if you want your motorhome tyres replaced. You want to make sure that your mobile caravan tyre is not deteriorating because of the caravan tyre ageing.

Getting your tyres fitted (especially if you plan on doing it yourself) can get pretty daunting. Kwik fit, tyron bands, wheel alignment, winter tyres, tyre brands, types of tyre, Continental tyres and what spare wheel to have are all things you need to know about.

Mobile tyre fitting isn’t something you might be able to do on your own, especially if you don’t know what cheap tyres will look like, if you’re carrying a heavy load, if you own secondhand caravans and if you know nothing about puncture repairs or filter change.

Not to mention the complexities of tyre pricing, correct tyre, budget tyres, electric vehicle tyres, and EU tyre labeling.

There’s just so much to choose from. From:

  • Fleet tyre
  • Dunlop tyres
  • Landsail tyres
  • Goodyear tyres
  • Avon tyres
  • Vokohama tyres
  • summer tyres and other caravan and motorhome tyres.

Inflated caravan tyres may look okay but if they have come to a certain age, you may have to replace caravan tyres. A caravan tyre failure can cause accidents that you don’t want to happen especially since you are on the road. Call mobile caravan tyre fitters for their tyre fitting service to make sure that your new tyres are just the right tyre sizes and tyre width for you.

We don’t sell cheap caravan tyres that might result in a flat tyre coming. The van tyres that we have are great for your caravan needs and follow the standards set by British Tyre Manufacturers Association.


Are You Ready To Take A Caravan Trip This Summer

So, if you’re getting ready to take a caravan trip this summer, be sure to have your tyres checked and replaced if needed. If you’re in the Hertfordshire or London area, we can help you get everything set up so that you’re good to go when the time comes. Give us a call today and let us know how we can help you prepare for your perfect summer holiday.